Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home schooling perks....

There are countless things I would miss out on if my kids were not home with me, each one a treasured blessing.

Being home allows me to teach them about life as we go along-not only from a book, but by actually experiencing it.

Being home together allows families to make the decisions that uniquely benefit them for that season of their lives.

A wonderful perk of home schooling is the privilege of being able to adjust our schedules according to the circumstances of our life.

I also appreciate the opportunity to interact with my children as issues arise. When something happens in our lives we talk about it on the spot, taking advantage of the timing. I believe this makes a strong impact on their hearts and minds.

Flexibility is another of our unique advantages.

I am grateful for the chance to develop my children's talents. As they grow we are able to work on their weaknesses, and more importantly, emphasize their strong points. They come up with ways of thinking things out that are mind boggling to me. Sometimes I wonder who is teaching whom!

The chance for learning extends beyond what we plan each day, and I don't want to miss a single moment of it!

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