Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy 14th Birthday Blake!

Today is Blake's Birthday. ( Happy Birthday Son! ) He is 14! We are having family over for lunch - Homemade Lasagna made with homemade ricotta and mozzarella (the other cheeses were store bought) and salad from the garden.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fiesty calf gave us a run for our money

We went to buy some Red Angus Heifers this morning and turns out one had a calf. We had to search the fellow's property for the calf. It was hidden on a hill under blackberry bushes. He took off like a dart around a pond across the field through an electric fence across the road into another pasture and in a brush area which we later found out was known to be the home of some copperhead snakes. What a workout. Ended up bringing only one cow home and gotta go back for 2 more cows and the calf.

After we got home we fertilized the gardens ate some lunch and napped then Darrin, Dalton and Blake did some fence work.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We have busy gardening (weeding) and putting up fence for some more cows.