Friday, January 8, 2010

Facebook | Melissa Drewer Jenkins

Facebook | Melissa Drewer Jenkins: "Had fun meeting the ladies at Rutledge Falls and seeing a few military folks."

Facebook | Melissa Drewer Jenkins

Facebook | Melissa Drewer Jenkins: "Neither Alex nor I was feeling to well a couple of hours into the Creation Caving lecture so we left early. We stopped at the store to get some fresh veggies; Darrin and the kids waited and the car. When I returned I found that Alex had thrown up....poor baby (and poor guys in the car with her)."

Blue Milk Cow

A gentleman we met at the Farmer's Market this summer called us a couple of weeks ago and ask if we would be inerested in milking his cow after she gave birth and said she would give 7 -8 gallons daily. In return he would like 5 gallon a week and we could do as we please with the rest. We figured we would get some bottle calves and feed them the milk since we get all we need from our Jersey. Long story short(er) He shows us with Mommy and baby (bull) cow. Baby is bronze and Mom is a color of black referred to as blue and she is huge about twice the size of our Jersey. We decided to buy the bull to raise since he up for sale. Of course at first she is stand off-ish but they have finally gotten her to come into the milking parlor but she doesn't let down her milk- the most we have gotten is about 12 ounces. She eats like a pig (several pigs). I'm frustrated that these boys are having to work so hard for so little from this big blue cow that about ready to send her home, but Darrin says a few more weeks so this is to be con't.

Quick change homeschooling

Quick change homeschooling today - Darrin finally felt well enough to go and pick up hay today, so we made a field trip of it. We read about German culture, food, and geography and a little history of East and West Germany on the way and after picking up hay we went to eat at the German Rest. in Manchester. Delish!

We ordered a family sampler that contained every entree and side dish on the menu. We all liked everyone of them but my favorite was Schweinebraten - German Style Roast Pork with bread and potato dumplins. Oh yeah - Real homemade lemonade.

Lecker= delicious, tasty, yummy, scrumptious ------köstlich =delicious,--------- schmackhaft-=delicious, tasty, -------- der Leckerbissen= delicacy, tidbit